Dragon Keepers

The game represents a battle between two forces. The first is a group of evil hunters who want to destroy dragons for trophies and fame. The other group is the heroic dragon keepers who protect the dragons. Each player represents the chief of a specific tribe of dragon keepers which will defend the dragons from attacks by the evil hunters.
In Dragon Keepers, there are 2 different modes of gameplay. Both modes are played over several rounds until players have reached a game ending condition. The game modes are the following:
The Keeper’s Mode (suitable for ages 5+): A lighter competitive game based in push your luck mechanics, which takes 10-15 minutes and plays from 3 to 6 players. This mode is a lighter version of the game intended for younger children. The goal for each player is to heroically defend 3 different dragons from the evil hunter.
The Dragon’s Mode (suitable for ages 8+): Uses a semi-cooperative mode of play which takes 30-40 minutes and plays from 2 to 4 players. This mode requires a bit more strategic thinking and is more suited for adults and older children.